Category: Philosophy

  • Beyond Indifference:

    Beyond Indifference:

    Rethinking Resilience and Stoicism in a World in Crisis. Resilience has become the buzzword of our time. From self-help gurus to workplace training sessions, everyone seems to be advocating the importance of bouncing back from adversity. But amidst this chorus of positivity, a critical question emerges: are philosophies of resilience, grit, and stoicism doing more…

  • Existentialism, Phenomenology, Race, and Economics: A Philosophical Inquiry

    This post explores the intersections of existentialism, phenomenology, race, and economics through the lens of Slavoj Žižek’s dialectical materialism, Christos Yannaras’ philosophy of freedom, and Henri Bergson’s concept of duration. It describes how a phenomenological approach to economics can help uncover the underlying structures of power and inequality that perpetuate racial disparities and limit freedom.…

  • Reimagining Education: Dismantling the mechanization of learning.

    Reimagining Education: Dismantling the mechanization of learning.

    The education factory churns out obedient cogs, churning through pre-packaged knowledge like gears in a soulless machine. But we, the students of revolt, refuse to be mere components in this oppressive system. We demand an Education Uprising: a radical reimagining that dismantles the mastery machine and unleashes the revolutionary potential within each learner. 1. Deconstructing…

  • The aphorisms of erraticism: critique in the age of mindful oppression

    The aphorisms of erraticism: critique in the age of mindful oppression

    Chaos is only an interpretive, social construct. Mindfulness is the opium of the masses.

  • Against Teaching: The Alienation of Education

    Against Teaching: The Alienation of Education

    The essay critiques conventional educational paradigms, arguing their hierarchical nature and one-size-fits-all approach can foster passive learning and disengage students. It advocates for alternative, student-centered approaches promoting active participation and personalized understanding.

  • A Survey of Technology, Science, and Critique

    A Survey of Technology, Science, and Critique

    The terms “technology” and “science” have their origins in ancient Greek and Latin respectively, with evolving meanings over time. Today, “technology” refers to tools and methods derived from scientific knowledge, while “science” pertains to the systematic study of the universe based on empirical evidence. The interplay between science and technology shapes society and individual psychologies,…

  • Caring – an undisclosed revolution of being as un-concealment of living potential

    Caring – an undisclosed revolution of being as un-concealment of living potential

    This post explores potential interplay of the fundamental nature of care to human-ness, revolution as radical care to self and world, empathy as shared living potential and actualization. In weaving these three thinkers together, one could say that any genuine revolution, as described by Arendt, is predicated on a collective “Being as Care” (Heidegger) that…

  • Toward constructing a Radical Economics, or,  stabbing the beast in the coinpurse

    Toward constructing a Radical Economics, or, stabbing the beast in the coinpurse

    Emergent Economics

  • Unraveling the Recursive Dynamics of Perception and Epistemology: An introductory survey of belief alteration

    Unraveling the Recursive Dynamics of Perception and Epistemology: An introductory survey of belief alteration

    Introduction: Perception and epistemology, fundamental facets of human experience and cognition, significantly shape our understanding and engagement of the world. Central to these processes is recursion, a concept that has long captivated philosophers, psychologists, and scientists alike. This blog post aims to delve into the intricate interplay between recursion, perception, epistemology, and the dynamic process…

  • A brief critique of the wellness economy: The commodification of trauma and healing.

    A brief critique of the wellness economy: The commodification of trauma and healing.

    In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern-day healthcare and wellness, a trend towards commodification has become increasingly prevalent. This trend, which permeates the realms of psychology, healing, and trauma, warrants a careful and critical analysis. At the crux of this issue lies a paradox: the same forces that offer potentially life-changing solutions are also responsible…

  • Chuangzi’s Shed

    Chuangzi’s Shed

    Riffs and rants based on Chuangzi’s “Inner Chapters” Riff 1: The Harmony of Nature In the vast expanse of the cosmos, we find the boundless harmony of nature. The heavens and earth dance in perfect rhythm, a symphony of interdependent cycles. Just as the rivers flow freely, unburdened by their destination, so too should human…

  • Fetish and opulence: Sport or slavery, entertainment or exploitation?

    Meaningless monopolies of whiteness. Disclaimer: I am not black or of color. Input and discourse appreciatee. There is a longstanding history of exploitation and discrimination in the sports and entertainment industries, particularly towards Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). Many BIPOC artists and athletes have faced discrimination and have been underpaid and undervalued compared…

  • Incorporated: When Violence is not Physical or Personal

    Incorporated: When Violence is not Physical or Personal

    Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the essence of reality and the world’s underlying structure. It examines the essential nature of the universe and whether or not there is an ultimate explanation for the way things are. The relationship to emotion and violence, and metaphysics can help us perceive the nature of these…

  • Fetish and Opulence: Wealth as Mimesis of Meaning, pt 1

    That wealth has become a superpower is no new insight. Fictional characters like Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, Professor X, Oliver Queen, Kingpin, Doctor Doom used currency and liquid assets to progress or prohibit. Yes I include villains and heroes alike because in our time, and most, heroism is in the eye of the beholder. Look…

  • Phenomenological basis of Education

    The phenomenological method, developed by philosopher Edmund Husserl, is a philosophical approach that seeks to understand the nature of consciousness and subjective experience. Overall, the phenomenological method is an important tool for understanding the nature of reality and the subjective experience of the individual. It helps us to gain a deeper understanding of the world…

  • Why did the chicken cross the philosophers mind?

    The Presocratics were a group of ancient Greek philosophers who lived and worked in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE. They are known for their groundbreaking ideas and contributions to the development of Western philosophy. One of the most famous Presocratics was Thales of Miletus, who is credited with being the first philosopher in the…

  • Divine Doubt and Corrupt Certainty

    When Jesus confronted the religious (I.e. merely formal- alas form does not necessarily reveal true meaning) and conceited certainty of the Sanhedrin, He judged that we might doubt and remember him as Lord. The woman at the well doubted. She doubted she was good enough. She doubted the norms of the time. She was approached.…

  • Marion book

  • ‘Cultural Christian’ is an empty idea – UnHerd

    “The pursuit of ever greater freedom and individualism, this strand of thought argues, has delivered rising wealth while hollowing out working-class communities; liberated some women while forcing others to work a double shift and abandon the young and old in substandard care, and provided an infinitude of consumer choice but at the cost of mounting…

  • Manoussakis- philosophy of religion

  • Continental philosophy of religion- research

  • In Which Herman (Bavinck) Makes a Funny! (And some theology is done…)

    In Which Herman (Bavinck) Makes a Funny! (And some theology is done…)

    How often do you get to read a dense theological work and chuckle at a pithy remark. It begins: Just as the eye answers to light, the ear to sound, the logos (reason) within us to the logos (rationality) outside of us, so there has to be in human beings a subjective organ that answers…

  • Why All Culture is God’s Culture. ALL of IT.

    Why All Culture is God’s Culture. ALL of IT.

    That God sent forth the multiplicity of humankind from two people, derived from His one image, shows us the importance of pluriformity. Pluriformity is conformity and unity of all things to God. However, due to our created nature this looks more complex than we think. Haircuts, facial hair, movie preference and food choices cannot now…

  • Some thoughts on why our Christianity is too small.

    Some thoughts on why our Christianity is too small.

    Where have all the thinkers gone? Just a few really great thinkers seem to be left to the Christian cause of public expressions of theology and apologetics. Those that are growing have a significant disadvantage ahead of them: economics. Prior to about 2008, it seems that academics had a favorable position in society, school and…

  • Going Dutch: Bavinck’s knowledge grows the heart.

    Going Dutch: Bavinck’s knowledge grows the heart.

    The Knowledge of God by Herman Bavinck God is the highest good of man–that is the testimony of the whole Scriptures. The Bible begins with the account that God created man after His own image and likeness, in order that he should know God his Creator aright, should love Him with all his heart, and…

  • Your daily dose of Dutch. How 19th Century Dutch theology applies today.

    Your daily dose of Dutch. How 19th Century Dutch theology applies today.

    The Present State of the World | Bavinck is a great mine of a mind. His work is really helping me the beauty in theology and creation. I hope it encourages you that the state of things is not that drastically different than it was in his day.

  • Women in Ministry: In Which We Have It All Wrong…Again.

    Women in Ministry: In Which We Have It All Wrong…Again.

    One of the hotly contested themes in popular theology is women’s roles in ministry…again. We seem to be good at taking it all from the wrong perspective. Politically, Socially, Philosophically we are always seeking to serve our desires, which more often than not is promotion of the self. If we were seeking first the kingdom…

  • Guitar influence

    Just realized Oasis is a huge influence in my search for quality tone on guitar fills/lead. Of note is their hit champagne supernova.

  • Ripening of wisdom If you reason with an arrogant cynic, you’ll get slapped in the face; confront bad behavior and get a kick in the shins. So don’t waste your time on a scoffer; all you’ll get for your pains is abuse. But if you correct those who care about life, that’s different—they’ll love you for it!…

  • A Response to Chris Stedman

      Excellent and loving assessment of the worldview at large.

  • Weighing in on the Gay Rights/Marriage debate

    Weighing in on the Gay Rights/Marriage debate

    Disclaimer: This may be unpleasant for some. It’s an assessment of the current and past debates on gay rights and gay culture. I will say upfront I believe it is a sin, as convicted by Scripture (inerrant and infallible). What could one more person’s post possibly have to say about this issue? Why should you…

  • He is risen! We remember! We await! They were puzzled, wondering what to make of this. Then, out of nowhere it seemed, two men, light cascading over them, stood there. The women were awestruck and bowed down in worship. The men said, “Why are you looking for the Living One in a cemetery? He is not here, but raised up. Remember…

  • Feeling isn’t just for sissies…

    “…he began to be sorrowful and troubled.” (Matthew 26:37b ESV) “The important thing is not whether you are highly emotional or not; the important thing is that whatever emotional capacities you have should be placed in God’s hands to be used according to His purposes.” Dr. John Frame  I have a difficult time in conversations sometimes…

  • King(dom) Coming Pt 3: Talented sloths and Creative servants

    King(dom) Coming Pt 3: Talented sloths and Creative servants

    Looking through Matthew in a section recommended from a holy week study I came across the parable of the Talents. This passage caused me a little uneasiness. I hope it is to make circumspect and call me to action for Christ, and not my own fear motivating me. In this passage Jesus tells the of…

  • King(dom) Coming Pt. 2: “Light of the world you stepped down into Darkness”*

        Jesus presents himself here with unprecedented wisdom and humility. This is shortly after Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead and many people went out to see him. Following Jesus we learn is not just about following his followers. We are directed to follow Jesus directly. So far prior to holy week, that means…

  • Holy Week: King(dom) Come part 1 of 7: “You have to know these things when you’re King”*

      Jesus’ mission on earth was to bring an awareness of the Kingdom of God (Mk 1:15). His ministry on earth ushered in the dawn of the Kingdom and his Kingly office. However, the first two offices of Prophet and Priest paved the way for the acknowledgment of his Kinghood. (A Link to the reading…

  • Secular Liturgies: When the Bass Line Drops

    Secular Liturgies: When the Bass Line Drops

    After viewing James K.A. Smith interviews on youtube, I wondered how often I blindly follow cultural and secular liturgy over my liturgy of love for Christ. I used to be an avid concert goer. I would wait until a particular local act would go to one of a handful of clubs I could afford to…

  • Kierkegaard, misunderstood and misaligned. Must have been something he said…

    Kierkegaard’s fresh perspective did not win him many friends. However, it did go on to influence many people, even perhaps some of Christendom’s enemies. A critic of Hegel, Kierk  led a revolt against the tyranny of the synthetic dictator of reason. Hegel argued we came to our knowledge by way of thesis-antithesis and that the…

  • Trials, Unspeakable Joy! (???), Wisdom in Fear

    ‘Has any other god dared to take a nation for himself out of another nation by means of trials, miraculous signs, wonders, war, a strong hand, a powerful arm, and terrifying acts? Yet that is what the Lord your God did for you in Egypt, right before your eyes’. (Deut 4:34) God delivered Israel in a manner fitting…

  • Suffering, The Promise of Pain, Joy

    Recently a good friend reminded me to ‘count it all joy’ (James 1, ESV).  That is to consider it a sheer gift (Message translation) that your being flattened, dried or wasted. The problem is not so much the event, circumstance or state effecting us. Rather, our perspective, our lens of experience is cast so sharply…

  • Washing of Water, Purging by Fire

     Reading Matt 3:11-13 A poem inspired by 2 Cor 10:5             In Matt 3:11-13 we are introduced to John the Baptist and coming of the Messianic Kingdom. John the Baptist taught preaches that the one after himself, the Christ, will baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit. The fire will be punishment for those who…

  • And now for something experimental…

    Gracious Lord,  Teach us, captivate our thoughts. Help us to seek after the will of the father. Give a desire for your word to your people to keep us from the devil’s snare in the new year. Transform our minds to keep our focus on you, wrap us in your grace, and when we fill…