Florida C.A.R.E.S. Act for Persistent and Severe Mental and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Bringing care to those that need it most in the Sunshine State.

Title: The Florida Care Act for Persistent and Severe Mental Health

Purpose: To improve the quality, accessibility, and relational nature of mental health care for Floridians living with persistent and severe mental health conditions, with a specific focus on individuals affected by schizophrenia and psychosis.

Key Provisions:

  1. Comprehensive and Relational Mental Health Care: The act shall provide comprehensive, culturally responsive, and relational mental health care to Floridians living with persistent and severe mental health conditions, with a specific focus on individuals with schizophrenia and psychosis. It shall establish programs and initiatives to provide evidence-based, recovery-oriented mental health care that is responsive to the unique needs of individuals and their families.
  2. Community-Based Mental Health Services: The act shall prioritize community-based mental health services that promote social inclusion, community engagement, and recovery. It shall establish programs and initiatives to provide mental health services in the community, including peer support, case management, and outreach services.
  3. Integrated Mental and Physical Health Care: The act shall promote integrating mental and physical health care to address the complex health needs of individuals living with persistent and severe mental health conditions, particularly those with co-occurring physical health conditions. It shall establish programs and initiatives to provide integrated mental and physical health care in inpatient and outpatient settings.
  4. Mental Health Workforce: The act shall prioritize the development and training of the mental health workforce to address shortages and improve the quality of care. It shall establish programs and initiatives to increase the number of mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals who are trained in evidence-based, relational mental health care.
  5. Mental Health Equity: The act shall prioritize mental health equity by addressing mental health disparities and ensuring that vulnerable and underrepresented communities have access to quality mental health care. It shall establish programs and initiatives to address social determinants of mental health, including poverty, housing, education, and employment.

Conclusion: The Florida Cares Act for Persistent and Severe Mental Health aims to provide comprehensive, relational, and culturally responsive mental health care to Floridians living with persistent and severe mental health conditions, with a specific focus on schizophrenia and psychosis. By prioritizing community-based mental health services, integrated mental and physical health care, and mental health workforce development, it seeks to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities across the state.

Scroll down to bottom of page to copy and paste the letter to your representative or senator!

EmpwR: A proposal for assitive technology applicatin for Developmental and Mental Stability

Background and Vision

Schizophrenia affects millions of people worldwide and is known for its debilitating effects on the individual, often leading to social isolation, stigma, and strained relationships. EmpweR is a mobile application designed to address these challenges by facilitating social change and enhancing relationality among schizophrenia patients and their support networks (Alvarez-Jimenez, et al. 2014). This innovative product aims to improve the lives of those affected by schizophrenia while promoting a more inclusive and understanding society.


EmpweR presents a unique opportunity to positively impact the lives of schizophrenia patients and their support networks by promoting social change, reducing stigma, and incorporating a relational philosophy model. By providing education, fostering community, and empowering individuals to manage their condition, EmpweR aims to create a more inclusive and understanding society. With the necessary funding and support, we believe this mobile application has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach mental health and improve the quality of life for millions of people affected by schizophrenia.


EmpweR: A Mobile Application for Individuals with Persistent Developmental and Mental Health Challenges that Fosters Social Change and builds Relational Intelligence


We propose to develop and launch EmpweR within 18 months, with the following phases:

  1. Research and Development (6 months): During this phase, we will conduct extensive research, consult with mental health professionals, and gather feedback from clients with stability challenges, and their support networks to refine the app’s features and ensure their effectiveness and usability.
  2. Prototype and Testing (6 months): A prototype of EmpweR will be developed and tested with a small group of users. Their feedback will be used to refine the app and address any issues or concerns.
  3. Launch and Promotion (6 months): The final version of EmpweR will be launched in major app stores, and a targeted marketing campaign will be implemented to raise awareness and drive downloads. We will also collaborate with mental health organizations, healthcare professionals, and patient advocacy groups to promote the app.


The estimated budget for developing and launching EmpweR is $300,000, which includes:

  1. Research and development costs: $100,000
  2. App development and testing: $100,000
  3. Marketing and promotion: $50,000
  4. Ongoing support, updates, and maintenance: $50,000


The primary objective of EmpweR is to provide a platform that fosters social change by:

  1. Reducing stigma and increasing awareness about schizophrenia.
  2. Encouraging and strengthening relationships between individuals with persistent health challenges and their loved ones, healthcare professionals, and the broader community.
  3. Empowering patients to manage their condition effectively and independently, thereby reducing the burden on caregivers and healthcare systems.

Potential Features

  1. Educational Resources: EmpweR will offer evidence-based educational materials on schizophrenia, including the latest research, treatment options, coping strategies, and ways to promote mental well-being. This will help in reducing misconceptions about the disorder and contribute to a more informed and empathetic society.
  2. Personalized Support Network: Users will have the option to create a personalized support network consisting of their loved ones, healthcare professionals, and other individuals with schizophrenia. This will facilitate communication, enable the exchange of information and experiences, and foster a sense of community and belonging.
  3. Relationality Tools: EmpweR will include features to strengthen relationships and enhance communication between patients and their support networks, such as:
    • a.) A shared calendar to manage appointments, medication schedules, and social events.
    • b. A secure messaging system for private and group conversations.
    • c. A mood tracking feature to help users and their support networks monitor and address emotional fluctuations.
  4. Tailored Care Plans: Based on the user’s unique needs and circumstances, EmpweR will suggest personalized care plans, which may include medication reminders, therapy recommendations, and lifestyle modifications. Users can discuss these plans with their healthcare professionals and support networks, ultimately promoting shared decision-making and empowering patients in their treatment journey.
  5. Gamification and Rewards (Naslund, et al. 2016): To encourage users to engage with the app and make progress in their recovery, EmpweR will incorporate gamification elements and rewards. Users can earn points for achieving milestones, completing tasks, and participating in community activities, which can be redeemed for personalized rewards or donated to mental health organizations.

Letter/ Email template

Dear [Senator/Representative]

I am writing to you regarding the need for a comprehensive mental health care act that is specifically focused on persistent and severe mental health conditions, with a particular emphasis on schizophrenia and psychosis. As you may be aware, Florida has a significant need for mental health care services, and there are many individuals and families who are struggling to access the care they need to manage these challenging conditions.

To address this need, I would like to propose the creation of The Florida Cares Act for Persistent and Severe Mental Health; Florida Cares Act for shorthand). Cares stands for: Community, Accessibility, Research, Education, Support. This act would prioritize the development and implementation of community-based mental health services that promote education, compassionate research, and support through community and technological development. It would also integrate mental and physical health care to address the complex health needs of individuals living with persistent and severe mental health conditions, and it would prioritize mental health equity by addressing mental health disparities and ensuring that vulnerable and underrepresented communities have access to quality mental health care.

I believe that The Florida Cares Act would provide much-needed relief to many individuals and families who are struggling with these challenging conditions. By prioritizing comprehensive, culturally responsive, and relational mental health care, this act would improve the quality of life for many Floridians and support their recovery and wellbeing. I urge you to consider this proposal and to work towards the creation of a mental health care act that addresses the unique needs of individuals living with persistent and severe mental health conditions.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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Responsibility is a heavy responsibility, man”– Richard Marin