Tag: Bible

  • Whence?


    The term ekklesia was originally used by the Jewish OT scholars/writers. The term synagoge was interchangeable except for a few noted places ( Noted Dutch theologianBavinck does a thourough job of etymological work for us in IV 5.278). Both refer to a gathering or assembly. So there is a formal sense of the “assembly” as having its foundation laid in…

  • Weighing in on the Gay Rights/Marriage debate

    Weighing in on the Gay Rights/Marriage debate

    Disclaimer: This may be unpleasant for some. It’s an assessment of the current and past debates on gay rights and gay culture. I will say upfront I believe it is a sin, as convicted by Scripture (inerrant and infallible). What could one more person’s post possibly have to say about this issue? Why should you…