Tag: Jesus

  • A Midsummer Night’s Lament (Or an experiment in humanity).

    A Midsummer Night’s Lament (Or an experiment in humanity).

    Allow me to be a little (too) transparent. Lately I’ve been kicking myself for this and that old sin. Or for this or that unresolved issue, or this or that unwritten item. I get angry at myself, even hate myself (sigh). I’m in seminary and I give myself little room to breathe. What am I…

  • Whence?


    The term ekklesia was originally used by the Jewish OT scholars/writers. The term synagoge was interchangeable except for a few noted places ( Noted Dutch theologianBavinck does a thourough job of etymological work for us in IV 5.278). Both refer to a gathering or assembly. So there is a formal sense of the “assembly” as having its foundation laid in…

  • Weighing in on the Gay Rights/Marriage debate

    Weighing in on the Gay Rights/Marriage debate

    Disclaimer: This may be unpleasant for some. It’s an assessment of the current and past debates on gay rights and gay culture. I will say upfront I believe it is a sin, as convicted by Scripture (inerrant and infallible). What could one more person’s post possibly have to say about this issue? Why should you…

  • He is risen! We remember! We await!

    http://bible.us/97/LUK24.4.MSG They were puzzled, wondering what to make of this. Then, out of nowhere it seemed, two men, light cascading over them, stood there. The women were awestruck and bowed down in worship. The men said, “Why are you looking for the Living One in a cemetery? He is not here, but raised up. Remember…

  • Feeling isn’t just for sissies…

    “…he began to be sorrowful and troubled.” (Matthew 26:37b ESV) “The important thing is not whether you are highly emotional or not; the important thing is that whatever emotional capacities you have should be placed in God’s hands to be used according to His purposes.” Dr. John Frame  I have a difficult time in conversations sometimes…

  • Holy Week: King(dom) Come part 1 of 7: “You have to know these things when you’re King”*

      Jesus’ mission on earth was to bring an awareness of the Kingdom of God (Mk 1:15). His ministry on earth ushered in the dawn of the Kingdom and his Kingly office. However, the first two offices of Prophet and Priest paved the way for the acknowledgment of his Kinghood. (A Link to the reading…

  • Secular Liturgies: When the Bass Line Drops

    Secular Liturgies: When the Bass Line Drops

    After viewing James K.A. Smith interviews on youtube, I wondered how often I blindly follow cultural and secular liturgy over my liturgy of love for Christ. I used to be an avid concert goer. I would wait until a particular local act would go to one of a handful of clubs I could afford to…